Chrome is now the Most Popular Web Browser
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer has long been the most used browseron the internet. But its iron grip began slipping ever since Googlelaunched Chrome in 2008. In 2012, one usage trackerdeclaredChrome the new champion, but some others still had IE in the lead. Now, all the holdouts are in agreement—Chrome is king.This past march, Computerworldreleased a detailed reportwhich concluded that by May 2016, Chrome would be the undisputedchampion, and Chrome hit the mark, NetMarketShare, the stat counter that Microsoft has long referenced as the mostaccurate source for measuring which browser reigns supreme, now says Chrome is the undisputed winner. It controls 41.66 percent of the market whereas Internet Explorer and Microsoft’s new Edge browser collectively have 41.35 percent. Chrome is unlikelyto cede the position as Google plans to introduce a new Chromedesign, made to be evenmore touch-friendly.Chrome is number one. Let it ringthroughout the land
source: gizmodo
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