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Watch SpaceX launch its initial reused Dragon capsule to resupply the ISS

 Thursday's launch was scrubbed due to bad weather. They’ll try again on Saturday, June 3 at 5:07 PM EDT.

SpaceX is going to attempt to reuse one of its Dragon capsules for the first time in an active mission to resupply the International Space Station. The Dragon spacecraft was used first back in September 2014 to resupply the ISS during CRS-4, and will carry nearly 6,000 pounds of supplies and research materials to support experiments during Thursday’s CRS-11 launch, the window for which opens at 5:55 PM EDT (2:55 PDT).
This is an instant launch window, so if conditions aren’t favorable or the launch is aborted for any other reason, a backup attempt will take place on Saturday, June 3 at 5:07 PM EDT. The launch is happening at LC-39A, the facility at Kennedy Space Center that SpaceX leased from NASA and reconfigured for Falcon 9 and future Falcon Heavy launches.
SpaceX will also be attempting to recover the first stage of Falcon 9 at its LZ-1 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Base. The Dragon capsule will attempt to connect with the ISS on June 4, and it’ll remain attached for about one month before it returns to earth with a planned splashdown in the Pacific Ocean.
The live feed for the launch will start around 20 minutes prior to the window, which means around 5:35 PM EDT or 2:35 PM PDT. It should prove another historic SpaceX mission, and could help SpaceX get one step closer to its goal of even more sustainable, affordable launch capabilities.

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