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Foxconn chooses Mount Pleasant in Wisconsin for its $10 billion manufacturing facility

Taiwanese electronics giant Foxconn, best known as one of Apple’s major suppliers, is to build a $10 billion manufacturing campus in Mount Pleasant – a village in Racine County, Wisconsin. It had been suspected that the company would choose this location, and officials finally confirmed the news earlier this week.

Back in June, in was reported that Foxconn had narrowed the search for its new display plant to seven states — Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Texas. The company says it will build an industrial campus with around 20 million square feet of office space across 1.56 miles.
Foxconn will manufacture liquid crystal displays at the plant, which will be used in everything from self-driving cars to aircraft, as well as consumer products such as phones and televisions.
The campus will consist of a multibillion-dollar thin-film transistor liquid crystal display plant, a facility to package LCD modules, a skill-intensive facility focused on molding and tool-and-die processes, and an assembly operation to produce end-device units.
County and village officials offered Foxconn a $764 million incentives package to move to Mount Pleasant, on top of up to $3 billion from the state — providing the company can fulfill its jobs promise. Foxconn is expected to hire around 13,000 people on average salaries of $53,000, and the plant could attract around 150 Foxconn suppliers to the area, who will bring additional jobs.
"I think it's going to be really good. The economy ought to pick its way up around here. It's been dragging a little here in Racine (County)," Michael Rosenbaum, a village trustee in the town of Sturtevant, told the Chicago Tribune.

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