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Google's Pixel 2 phones are already in short supply

If you are in the market for a black Pixel 2 64GB or 128GB, you are in luck. You can still score a preorder for one on the Google Store. If you want any other model though, you are going to have to wait as they have either been delayed or sold out.

Even though preorders only started yesterday, most of the first shipment of phones has been already snapped up. A couple of versions are already on the third allotment. The biggest seller was the Pixel 2 XL in white. If you had your heart set on one, you will have to get on the waiting list because both the 64GB and 128GB versions are sold out.
The black XLs are still available as of writing, but wait time for delivery is two to three weeks.
The white 128GB Pixel 2 is also delayed by two to three weeks, while the 64GB version in both white and blue are suffering even longer setbacks of up to 7 weeks.
Verizon customers are fairing a bit better. So far all versions of the Pixel 2 are available through the carrier and will arrive on the October 19 launch date. The XL, however, is struggling to keep up with the preorders. The black XLs in both capacities will be arriving on October 25, while both white versions are delayed until November 1.
Those on a waiting list will be notified by email when new phones become available.

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