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Facebook’s ‘Bonfire’ now on Android

Facebook’s latest attempt at a standalone app — that totally isn’t a complete copy of another — is available now on Android. Well, sort of.

Bonfire, Facebook’s new-ish group video chat app is now available on the Play Store. Unfortunately, you probably won’t be able to download it due to geo-restrictions. In its iOS rollout — first spotted by TNW — the app was restricted to Denmark. On Android, we’re seeing more of the same.
Luckily, there’s always side-loading. And we have the APK right here.
Bonfire is a not-at-all unique swipe at the popular Houseparty, another video chat app from the makers of now-defunct Meerkat. Clearly aimed at millennials, Bonfire is uniquely positioned to win the demographic by taking out competitors including not only Houseparty, but Airtime, ooVoo, Marco Polo, and others.
Unlike the others, Bonfire is tightly rolled into Facebook’s ecosystem. Meaning, for those already deeply invested in services like Messenger and Instagram, Houseparty provides a logical extension. Snapping screenshots during a chat, for example, and posting them to Instagram (or sharing it on WhatsApp) is native feature only available to those on Bonfire. Well, unless you want to leave the app, that is.
Unlike its existing split-screen group video calling feature on Messenger, Bonfire adds stickers and a number of features unique to the platform — like resizing windows, jumping into a chat with friends on Messenger (who haven’t downloaded Bonfire) and the ability to “live chill” with friends… whatever that means.

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