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For 11 minutes, President Donald Trump was blocked on Twitter

For eleven minutes today, the world experienced social media without Donald Trump. And just as we were starting to get into it, to become fully engrossed in the very essence of what made it so good to begin with — the heavy breathing, animal-like noises, and intense feelings of pleasure that only comes from experiencing someone in their rawest form — it was over.

Maybe think about baseball next time, Jack?
After the internet lit its collective cigarettes, but before it managed to get out of bed, the theories started to roll in.
My guess: Trump tried to post something stupid and accidentally deleted his account. This is also how the global nuclear war will start, btw
My guess: Trump's lawyers told him to delete his account, because he is in serious legal jeopardy
We, of course, don’t know the cause of Trump’s disappearance yet, but have reached out to Twitter for more information.
Update: Now we know. It was human error.
Earlier today @realdonaldtrump’s account was inadvertently deactivated due to human error by a Twitter employee. The account was down for 11 minutes, and has since been restored. We are continuing to investigate and are taking steps to prevent this from happening again.
For now, let’s not sweat the details and instead marvel in the fact that, for six glorious minutes, Donald Trump was missing from Twitter. Nothing can take this away from us.
We’ll all remember where we were during the 10 minutes of peace while Donald Trump’s Twitter account was down.

Thanks for the memories, Twitter. We’ll call you.

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